Societal Contribution

Quality Assurance in Societal Contribution

Hacettepe University’s societal contribution activities are structured in accordance with the institution’s societal contribution policies, strategic goals, and objectives.

Strategic Goals and Objectives

In line with Hacettepe University's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan, the strategic goals defined to develop the scope and quality of social service are as follows:

  1. Ensuring the equal and fair social integration of disadvantaged, vulnerable, and underrepresented individuals and their access to university services.
  2. Ensuring that the outputs of all activities carried out by the university in all areas are delivered to the community and that social gains are returned to the university.
  3. Increasing the scope and quality of activities in the fields of art, design, sports, environment, and culture.

The indicators for these goals and objectives are as follows:

  1. The number of activities carried out related to social integration and inclusiveness for disadvantaged groups.
  2. The contribution rate to the Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. The number of joint projects with public institutions, organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
  4. The number of public activities carried out in one year.
  5. The number of news articles in the national and international press related to cultural, artistic, and sports activities in the relevant year.

These indicators play an important role in measuring the impact of the activities carried out to maximize the university's societal contribution and achieve its strategic goals.

Evaluation and Improvement Process

Data on societal contribution performance indicators are collected regularly by unit representatives and sent to the Coordination Office at least twice a year. These data are analyzed, reports are prepared, and presented at Coordination Board meetings. Areas that need improvement are identified, and necessary improvements are made within the framework of the PDCA cycle. The prepared reports are presented to the Senate, and the approved activities are communicated to the units.

Future Perspective

Among the goals set for the societal contribution activities to continue in a sustainable and systematic manner are the following:

  • Ensuring that societal contribution activities are aligned with the societal contribution goals and objectives in the university's strategic plan.
  • Linking activities to local, regional, national development goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Effective management of resources and encouraging a culture that motivates societal contribution activities in all units.
  • Systematic implementation of planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation processes.

Please Click for 2022 Societal Contribution Assessment Report

Please Click for 2023 Societal Contribution Assessment Report