Unique Learning Experience
Student Profile Report published
The "Student Profile" Report, prepared every year by the Data Research and Evaluation Unit of the Institute of Science has been published.
Teaching in Numbers
Teaching Staff
Course per Semester
Teaching News
A cooperation protocol was signed between Duke University and Hacettepe University.
26.07.2024 | Education - Societal Contribution
Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the 2024 University Impact Rankings, which evalute the societal, environmental, and social impacts of universities in line with the United Nations Sustainabl...
14.06.2024 | Research - Education - Rankings
The Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology and the Department of Business Administration are working to develop a gamified self-assessment tool for university students to measur...
11.06.2024 | Education - Projects - İnovasyon - Societal Contribution
Hacettepe University Social Contribution Coordinatorship raised awareness about biodiversity and climate change by providing education to children receiving treatment at İhsan Doğramacı Children's Hos...
03.06.2024 | Education - Projects - Societal Contribution
"International Friendship Day", which is traditionally held every year at our university and features colorful images, was held in Beytepe Campus.
03.06.2024 | Education - Societal Contribution
Under the auspices of Hacettepe University, patient associations, civil society organizations, policymakers, clinicians and researchers joined hands for rare diseases.
30.05.2024 | Research - Education - Societal Contribution
The project titled "Developing Horticultural Therapy Awareness and Examining its Effect in Children with Specific Learning Disabilities, Their Parents and Teachers" led by Research Assistant Ezginur G...
27.05.2024 | Research - Education - Projects - Societal Contribution
REDCap Institutive Patient Registration System Database Applied Introduction and Information Meeting was held under the coordination of HUGEN.
10.05.2024 | Research - Education - Societal Contribution
Teaching Ecosystem
Teaching in Numbers
Teaching at Hacettepe University is carried out at 3 different levels (associate, undergraduate, graduate) and in three main fields (Medical and Health Sciences, Science and Engineering, Social and Humanities), in 500 different programs, with more than 8200 courses available each semester and more than 53000+ students enrolled in these courses.